Why do they all ride like idiots?

Here are a few things to consider:
1. It's not all of them, just the most visible.
2. Motorcycles are really that fun.
3. Most Riders are very much against it.
You would think that with so much at risk motorcyclists would be much more reserved. Reckless driving is just that, reckless. Someone once told us, "Those are the people too stupid to realize that when we said go play in traffic we were kidding." Most states give tickets for it and in some cases will take the motorcycle from the Rider if reckless enough. For what it's worth, the majority of motorcycle Riders wish those that like to "stunt" on public roads and in traffic would stop. They cause insurance rates to go up and make people hate motorcycles.
1. It's not all of them, just the most visible.
Idiots are idiots no matter what they drive or ride. It stands to reason that those that do it are exhibitionists. They want you to see them. Yes, it is dangerous and it has no place on public roads. But be assured, not everyone does or wants to do this. Motorcycles are so good at much more than just being thrown around the road impressing children and scaring old people. Unfortunately that is also sometimes the fun, for a small subset. For all of us here at Count Motorcycles LLC, we would like to tell those riders reading this — stop. Go to a track. People better than you prefer not to do it on public roads, take a hint.
2. Motorcycles are really that fun.
When you drop your head down and get a flow going right and left, it feels like ... a fighter jet. There is a reason Tom Cruise in Top Gun also rode a Kawasaki Ninja. Swooping up behind someone and going by before they even know you are there and then leaving them in the dust is a very seductive feeling.
Some Riders feel that getting past a car and away from it is better than being alongside, behind or on front of it. Getting caught up in a pack of cars all going the same speed in two or three lanes will make a lot of Riders very nervous, so they move through. However, a dozen motorcycles flying past at 100 mph without any sort of pause are not concerned about safety. We wish we could offer and explanation as to why Riders do this. We don't really know, but the answer most likely has the words "fun" and "stupid" in it.
3. Most Riders are very much against it.
There is a term for Riders that take no safety measures into account. They are called "Squids." Those same Riders that call their fellow Riders Squids actually far outnumber the Squids. Far, FAR outnumber them. However, you are much more likely to see and remember the Rider acting like an idiot than the Rider that is just riding along, quietly, minding his or her own business. For every Squid or idiot you see there are perhaps five or six other Riders that were riding along perfectly safe and sane. Do you remember seeing that many? If you do you are well on your way to winning the Count Motorcycles® game!